Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What You Got On It?

Money has been known to be the root of all evil. Some think the more you have, the more problems you gain. Others feel it can buy love and supreme happiness. Well, whatever your views on it are, the fact still remains it is one critical aspect in choosing a life partner. Now to save face, some people may say that they are not with someone for the money, that love is all that matters. To that, I simply say, "Bullshit!!" Money, whether we want to believe it or not, is one of the driving forces in a relationship. Think about it. Money makes an appearance before the first date. If your date has none, then you two are meeting at a free place (park, party, etc.) Now, depending on how much your date has, he/she will suggest something that shows they have some loot, but not too extravagant since they really don't know you. It's the first impression someone gives you without really wanting or trying to give it. For this reason (and a few others) Financial stability is considered a Fundamental.

#3 Financial Stability

Let me just begin by saying that I am in no means a gold-digger or an opportunist. This need to have money on a list of requirements for potential suitors is solely based on my own personal experiences and horror stories that others have shared with me. Finances do come to the forefront of relationships far more often than we will admit. It has been one of the main causes for marital demise and breakups. To say it doesn't matter would just be lying, or maybe a half-truth. I'm not saying that a man has to be making it rain at Chuck-E-Cheese for me and my son. Hell, I'm not even saying that we have to go to 5 star restaurants on every outing. All I'm saying is that if you have some, awesome. If you don't, do you at least have a plan to make some...LEGIT? If you don't have as much as you'd like, are you ambitious enough to never settle or stand for complacency? A man who is content with his status and lacks ambition is either dead or an idiot...and I fucks with neither.

Females...a word to the wise (or the stubborn): Get off the independent woman bullshit!!! It's not attractive. It's not a turn-on. All that attitude is saying that you have NO need for a man-in any capacity. With that kinda energy being put into the world, is it any wonder why you're single? Don't get me wrong, being able to stand on your own two feet is commendable. As a single mother myself I understand the struggle and am thankful for what I have accomplished. However, I don't wanna do this shit all my life!!! I don't wanna have to work this hard til they put me in the ground! I wanna have the OPTION to work. I wanna CHOOSE whether or not I wanna be a stay-at-home mother. I don't want to have to keep struggling on my own and I damn sure don't want to do it with someone who can't help me out. He doesn't need to be making six or seven figures, just be able to provide for yourself first. If a man can provide for himself, he feels better about himself. If he can provide for his lady,  he feels needed. If he can provide for his family, he feels like a man.

Now I'm a big stickler for tradition. I do believe that a man should be the "top earner" in the relationship. I've always had the idea of "a man should have it; I should be able to put somethin ON it."  Meaning that I would love to be provided for, but also earn my keep. Let's face it,  the "independent woman" attitude doesn't really work out that well. Older generations don't have that attitude, and look how long their marriages last. Sometimes traditions should be adhered to and for me, this is one of them. Just remember that when it comes to relationships, women need to feel wanted while men need to feel needed. If a woman doesn't feel wanted, she gets insecure. If a man doesn't feel needed, he searches for someone who does need him. It's no surprise why this is always a topic of conversation and causes such an uproar. Money does show you exactly who you are dealing with and how fickle their intentions.

Nothing turns me on more than a man with ambition. A man with goals is a man going places. If a man is also doing walking with his talking it makes him a total man of action. No matter where you fall in tax brackets, one thing has to be for certain...your willingness to strive for more. If you are a fry cook, have goals and plan in effect so that in 6 months you are at least a shift supervisor. If you are in an entry-level position, have wheels in motion that put you as a team leader by next year. A woman will admire your drive a lot more than your wallet any day. I can get behind any idea if it's followed by a logical course of action. For these reasons, finances are included in the foundation for a great relationship...a fundamental.

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